Absence Reporting

Please let the College know of any absence on the first day it occurs

The easiest way to do this is to use the absence feature in the Edulink App.

If the absence continues beyond the first day, please contact the College on each subsequent day of absence, too. To comply with safeguarding obligations, we cannot simply assume a student’s sickness absence is ongoing; we need to be certain that the reason for absence is due to continuing illness.

If you do not notify the College, then we will make contact with you to identify the reason for absence. This is important as it helps to reduce unauthorised absences and truancy.

Please note, the College may ask you to provide medical proof if a student is absent from College due to illness.

Medical Appointments

We encourage students to maximise their levels of attendance; research indicates a direct link between attendance and examination performance.

The timing of many medical appointments means that often students can attend school first, and return afterwards.  By doing this, students minimise missed learning whilst keeping their attendance levels as high as possible.  Therefore, we ask that parents/carers ensure their child attends school for morning registration, even when a medical appointment takes place in the middle of the morning. Similarly, appointments scheduled for the afternoon should, where possible, be arranged after Period 4 – during lunchtime.  Students are encouraged to return to school after a lunchtime appointment, if they can.

Thank you for your support in helping your child maximise their attendance and learning.

Absence Request Form

We encourage students to maximise their levels of attendance; research indicates a direct link between attendance and examination performance.

The timing of many medical appointments means that often students can attend school first, and return afterwards.  By doing this, students minimise missed learning whilst keeping their attendance levels as high as possible.  Therefore, we ask that parents/carers ensure their child attends school for morning registration, even when a medical appointment takes place in the middle of the morning. Similarly, appointments scheduled for the afternoon should, where possible, be arranged after Period 4 – during lunchtime.  Students are encouraged to return to school after a lunchtime appointment, if they can.

Thank you for your support in helping your child maximise their attendance and learning.

Should you need to request a non-medical absence for your child during term time, please complete and return the form below:

For Years 7 – 11 Absences

Please ring:

The Attendance Office

Direct line: 01392 463911

Email: studentabsence@clystvale.org

For Year 12 – 13 Absences

Please ring:

Sue Voysey (Post-16 PA)

Direct line: 01392 462697

Email: voyseys@clystvale.org

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