Assessment & Reporting

Key Stage 3 Assessment and Reporting

Below you will find the audio PowerPoint from the meeting of 4th November 2021, led by Sara Jacobs & Allen Bailey

This outlines the new College approach to assessment and reporting for students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries about the new process. As discussed at the meeting, your comments and feedback are very welcome as we embed this new approach to reporting and assessment for our Key Stage 3 students.

Questions about Curriculum and Assessment should be directed to Sara Jacobs, Principal:

Questions about reporting should be directed to Allen Bailey, Assistant Principal:

The tabs below provide more details about assessment at Clyst Vale. Click on a heading to find out more.

All students at Clyst Vale receive three TPRs (termly progress reports) per academic year. 


Each Termly Progress Report (TPR) will contain an attainment grade* as well as key indicators denoting progress in each of the following areas: Attitude to Learning (in College); Homework and Behaviour. A student will be awarded a key indicator which best reflects their performance in each area. Where a concern is flagged a student will be given a code for action which provides clear feedback on what they need to do to improve.  

Attainment grades reflect the level of knowledge and skills a student is demonstrating. For example, in Year 8, students are graded from 8.1 up to 8.9, where 8.9 indicates a total mastery of the year’s work. A grade 8.1 would suggest that a student needs a lot of support to access the curriculum. Details of these descriptors can be found in the next tab.

In KS3 the final TPR also includes narrative comments from tutors.

*Y7 Settling in TPR will only include Key Indicators.

KS4 / KS5

KS4 TPRs follow a similiar format to KS3 reports but will now also include;

A target grade which refelects an ambitious but achieveable outcome, these are derived from target setting data from the FFT.

currently working at grade which captures the current level a student is working at.

likely outcome grade which reflects the grade we currently believe is most likely the student will receive at the end of their GCSE / A Level course 

In KS4/KS5 one TPR each year will include full written narrative comments from each subject teacher.

Below you'll find more detailed information concerning how to interpret the 7.x 8.x and 9.x system we use to grade students in KS3

Click here to view the Year 7 Subject Grade Descriptors
Click here to view the Year 8 Subject Grade Descriptors
Click here to view the Year 9 Subject Grade Descriptors

As well as providing information about attainment, attendance, achievement and behaviour our TPRs also provide information on what we call the key indicators. These cover;

  • Attitude to learning
  • Behaviour
  • Homework

These key indicators are scored using the following scale

Exceeding expectationsMeeting expectationsNot yet met expectationsSerious concerns

Teachers  make a ‘best fit’ judgment based on the criteria below when deciding on a reporting grade for each of the key indicators. Teachers must apply their professional judgement and take into account reasonable adjustment for SEND learners. Where a teacher has flagged a concern by reporting a minus or an exclamation mark a Code for Action will be recorded. This will provide suggestions, strategies, or actions to guide students towards improvement. Deatils of tthese criteria and their associated codes for action are listed below.

 Attitude to Learning in College

Records a student’s engagement with learning and their contributions in class.

  • You have an excellent attitude to learning, you consistently show a high level of engagement and motivation
  • You consistently show a desire to learn and make progress
  • You work well independently or in group work
  • Your work is consistently of the highest standard and shows pride in your learning
  • You regularly work above and beyond expectations
  • You actively seek feedback from teachers, peers or parents/carers and act on that feedback to improve your work.
  • Your work in class is normally completed and shows the pride you take in your work
  • Your attitude to independent learning, class and group tasks is good and helps you make progress
  • You demonstrate resilience and persevere with demanding work
  • You remain on task and stay focused on your work
  • You respond positively to feedback
  • You seek help or guidance if you’re unsure how to proceed
  • You are well organised, have the correct equipment and usually try to self-check your work
  • You actively participate in and contribute to lessons
  • You aim to do your best
  • Your classwork does not always demonstrate a good commitment to learning
  • When work becomes challenging you don’t always remain on task
  • You do not consistently engage with learning
  • You don’t regularly act on feedback to improve your work  
  • You don’t yet take responsibility for your learning and as a result are sometimes disorganised
  • Your contribution to lessons is limited
  • You are more focused on completing a task quickly rather than completing it well
  • Your classwork often shows a lack of effort, it may be incomplete or demonstrate a lack of pride in your work
  • You are quick to give up when work becomes challenging and as a result progress is limited
  • You are not yet acting on feedback to improve your work
  • You are not engaged for large parts of the lesson and need continued reminders to complete work
  • You are not yet preparing properly for lessons, for example sometimes forgetting to bring equipment or books
  • You don’t yet actively participate in whole class or group discussions
  • You rarely take the learning opportunities on offer
AEnsure you remain on task at all times
BEnsure your work consistently shows a good commitment to learning
CFocus on starting tasks quickly, don’t waste time
DRespond to feedback so your work shows a clear improvement
EContribute more to class discussions or questions
FWork effectively with others in paired or group tasks
GBe better organised, bring the correct equipment to lessons
HSeek guidance or help from your teacher if you’re uncertain how to proceed
IDemonstrate resilience by sticking with challenging questions
JShow pride in the presentation of your work
kTake greater responsibility for independent learning (Post 16 )



Records a student’s attitude to and completion of homework

  • You consistently display a love for learning and produce homework of the highest standard which has a strong impact on your progress
  • Your homework is always presented to very high standard
  • Your homework shows exceptional levels of effort
  • Your attitude to homework is consistently good and has a positive impact on your learning and progress
  • Your homework is completed within the timescales and deadlines set by your teacher
  • Your homework shows a good level of effort
  • Your homework is presented to a good standard
  • Your attitude to homework is inconsistent and may be having a negative impact on your progress
  • Your homework is sometimes late or below the expected standard
  • Your lack of engagement with homework is having a negative impact on your progress and needs immediate improvement
  • Your homework is frequently late, incomplete or tackled to a very poor standard
AEnsure all deadlines for homework are met
BEnsure Homeworkis completed to a good standard
CRevise effectively
DEnsure all aspects of Homeworkare completed
EPersevere with the more challenging questions in Home Learning
FSeek help prior to deadlines if you are struggling to understand the work set



Records the respect shown for peers and the teacher, courtesy, politeness and cooperation with staff in accordance with the ethos of a Rights Respecting School

  • You promote the right of others to learn
  • You are consistently fully focused, attentive and cooperative
  • You respect the rights of others and help fellow students to learn and staff to teach
  • You take an active and appropriate role in all class activities
  • You are always polite, courteous and model positive behaviour to staff and other students.
  • You respect the right of others to learn
  • You are positive and helpful in lessons
  • You display a good level of focus, attention and cooperation in class
  •  You are polite and courteous, treating staff and students with respect
  • You sometimes respect the right of others to learn
  • Your behaviour is inconsistent, sometimes it can be good but it can deteriorate if you become distracted or disengaged
  • Your learning and possibly that of other students is being negatively affected by your choices and actions
  • You are not respecting the right of others to learn.
  • You regularly display disruptive behaviour which prevents other students from learning
  • You may be disrespectful to staff or students
  • Your learning and possibly that of others is being negatively affected by your choices and actions
ACooperate with staff and follow their instructions
BTreat fellow students and staff with respect
CListen properly when the teacher is addressing the class, don’t talk over them or interrupt
DDon’t distract others
ELook for ways to deescalate difficulty and don’t engineer conflicts
FSettle quickly to tasks that are set
GEnter the classroom appropriately and be ready to learn


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