Career Pathways and Experience

Our students have access to multiple different avenues of careers guidance and support. They also will have an opportunity to complete Work Experience whilst at Clyst Vale. Below is some further information. 

Individual guidance interviews

We have our own experienced, impartial level 7 careers advisor who is employed for 2 days per week and can support students on their careers journey.  Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students are offered a face-to-face careers guidance interview, to support them to make informed decisions about the future.  This may include how to overcome barriers, recognising talents, making decisions about future courses and training opportunities and is very much tailored to the needs of the individual student.  Our SEND students are supported by a careers advisor from CSW.  

If you would like to request a career appointment please do so via your tutor or email

Your tutor will be notified of your appointment time, and you will also receive a personal email. The careers summary from the meeting will be shared with the student.

Work Experience

Students in year 10 and 12 are offered a week of work experience at the end of the school year. We are proud of our work experience uptake record and have excellent relationships with local and regional employers.  This offers students the opportunity to gain skills which cannot be taught in the classroom and often enables students with insight into what career path they want to pursue.

Staff also offer drop in sessions to help students who need help sending emails, writing CVs or support making phone calls.

Parents will be sent full information regarding the WEX programme and the process of finding and securing a placement.  If your child needs help or advice please contact the careers coordinator deals with enquiries about work experience.

Please take a look at the attached video which will give you a short insight into the benefits of work experience.

Contacts- Mrs Sally Trump coordinates the Careers and Work Related Learning Programme at Clyst Vale and is the designated careers lead.  You can contact her by email-

Any specific work experience enquires should be emailed to

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