Our students have the opportunity to attend a number of careers events which facilitates students to gain a valuable insight into their possible future careers.
Apprenticeship Day
Students who are thinking of doing apprenticeships are given the opportunity to complete a day of workshops with advice on applying, CV writing as well as meeting apprentices. This is run by Mrs Bennett and students are given the opportunity to complete a group careers session with our careers advisor.
SW Apprenticeship Fayre
Students who are interested in apprenticeships at post 16 / post 18 are given the opportunity to attend to enable them to discover local opportunities.
Big Bang
Selected year 7,8,9 students attend a careers event which inspires them to look at STEM related careers- a real growth area.
UCAS Convention
Students in year 12 attend annually to develop their knowledge of university applications process.
Employability Week- Key Stage 3
Students work within subjects and link subject content with possible careers and employability skills.
Employer engagement – students to be given the opportunity to meet various local employers from a wide variety of job roles and gain an insight into the world of work.
Take Your Child To Work Day
Year 8 students are given the opportunity to go to work with a parent / guardian to give them experience of a workplace.
Visits to local colleges
Students will be given the opportunity to visit local colleges to complete taster sessions in vocational courses.
Careers Talks
Local employers will attend assembly sessions or link with departments to speak to students about their job roles.
Contacts – Mrs Sally Trump coordinates the Careers and Work Related Learning Programme at Clyst Vale and is the designated careers lead. You can contact her by email – careersadvisor@clystvale.org