Students will receive careers education in C42, CPS and through our deep learning days as well as through tutor time activities.


Key Stage Three

Students follow a Careers programme of study in C42 and in tutor time. We provide students with the relevant information to assist with them taking their options at the end of year 9 and make them aware of the options and career routes open to them in the future.

Year 7

What is a career?

Researching different jobs both within and outside school.

What skills and qualifications are needed for different jobs.

Year 8

The real game- learning about real life through careers.

Recognising employability skills and how they are developed in school.

Researching different careers and introduction to careers pilot.

LMI- What jobs are is demand and how the job market changes over time?

Year 9

Options- Recognising student’s talents and making informed choices about options for KS4.

Qualification pathways at KS4 and KS5 including apprenticeships.

Possible career paths.

Using careers pilot and creating an online pre 16 careers map. 


This programme supplements assemblies, the student careers fair and the options evening which are all designed to give students the skills and information to make the right choices moving into Ks4.


Key Stage Four

The programme of study at KS4 is aimed at equipping students for the next stage of their lives and choices they will need to make. The programme of study taught though C42, DLD’s and supported in tutor time is aimed at signposting students towards useful resources as well as developing the skills needed for these next stages. A major part of our careers offer is year 10 work experience, where students gain valuable experience of the workplace.

Year 10  in C42

Work experience programme-

Introduction to the reasons for WEX.

Letter and CV writing.

Finding an appropriate placement.


Post 16 and future career paths

Vocational courses, A levels, T levels and apprenticeships- differences and advantages of each route.

Higher level qualifications including University and Higher level apprenticeships.


Careers DLD

Developing interview skills and completing a mock interview with a local employer.

Assessment centre task.

Use of unifrog.


Year 11 in tutor time

Destinations – tutors to work with students to signpost them.

Head of sixth form to support students capable of level 3 courses.

Careers appointments available for those students who need advice on types of courses and apprenticeship group.

Mrs Bennett to work with the students who are at Level 2 and need support applying to college.

Careers advice and Work Experience


Individual guidance interviews-

We have our own experienced, impartial level 7 careers advisor who is employed for 2 days per week and can support students on their careers journey.  Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students are offered a face-to-face careers guidance interview, to support them to make informed decisions about the future.  This may include how to overcome barriers, recognising talents, making decisions about future courses and training opportunities and is very much tailored to the needs of the individual student.  Our SEND students are supported by a careers advisor from CSW.  

If you would like to request a career appointment please do so via your tutor or email

Your tutor will be notified of your appointment time, and you will also receive a personal email. The careers summary from the meeting will be shared with the student.

Useful information is available on the BBC Bitesize website via this link: BBC Bitesize Careers

Work Experience

Students in year 10 and 12 are offered a week of work experience at the end of the school year. We are proud of our work experience uptake record and have excellent relationships with local and regional employers.  This offers students the opportunity to gain skills which cannot be taught in the classroom and often enables students with insight into what career path they want to pursue. Staff also offer drop in sessions to help students who need help sending emails, writing CVs or support making phone calls.

Parents will be sent full information regarding the WEX programme and the process of finding and securing a placement.  If your child needs help or advice please contact the careers coordinator deals with enquiries about work experience.

Please take a look at the attached video which will give you a short insight into the benefits of work experience.

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