Exams Information

This page contains information about forthcoming exams and the historic performance of the College. Use the tabs below to navigate to the relevant section. 

Exam Boards

Please see the documents below to find out which exam boards we use for each subject.

Post 16 Exams Boards for exams in 2024 & 2025

Yr 11 Exam Boards for exams in 2024

The following guidance should be read by all students and can also be found in the college Exam Booklet.

Year 10 Exam Booklet

Year 11 Exam Booklet

Post 16 Exam Booklet

Y11 Pre Exam Briefings Y11 – 2024

Contact the Exams Office
Tel: 01392 463920
Amanda Kilby
Exams Officer

Exam Results

Results will be available to collect in Post 16 building between 9am – 11am on the following days:

Post 16 – Thursday 15th August

Year 11 – Thursday 22nd August

If you are unable to collect your results in person, you must contact our Exams Officer on 01392-463920 or kilbya@clystvale.org. We do not give results by phone or e-mail; this is because the results are your property, and we must ensure you receive them personally! Results can be collected by someone else, but we must have your written permission in advance including the name of the person, and the person will need to bring photo identification (for example driving license, passport).

Any uncollected results will be posted on the afternoon of each results day.

JCQ Guidance on Post-Results Service

Post-Results-Service June 24_FINAL-1

Clyst Vale’s Post-Results Services

Information for candidates

If you achieve a surprising result in an exam, you may be able to make an appeal to the Exam Board.  This must be done via your college and can take several formats. However, there must be careful consideration as to whether the result was unexpected,  therefore,  please do get in touch with your subject teacher to discuss. The expectation is that parents / career would pay for the review.

  1. You can ask for a clerical check to be made (i.e. a check that the marks were added up correctly).
  2. You can ask for a review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly. (NB this is not a re-marking of the script).
  3. You can ask for a copy of your exam paper.

If your mark changes either up or down, the new mark is the final mark and supersedes all previous marks.  You cannot ask for the previous mark to be reinstated. 

If you would like to request a review, please complete the below form, and enclose the appropriate fee. The exam paper codes are on the results slip from results day. Forms should be sent to Amanda Kilby, kilbya@clystvale.org who can also answer any queries about the process.

Post Results Form 2024

Certificates are usually sent to us towards the end of October.

These are presented to GCSE students at the Celebration & Awards Evening on 28th November 2024. Students who cannot make the Awards evening can collect their certificates from the college Reception after this date.  If a student cannot come in person they can nominate someone else to collect the certificates for them but must let us know in advance or give the person collecting the certificates written permission to collect them.

GCE certificates (Post16) can be collected from the college Reception from 29th November.  If a student cannot come in person they can nominate someone else to collect the certificates for them but must let us know in advance or give the person collecting the certificates written permission to collect them.

Please keep your certificates in a safe and memorable place as they are expensive and difficult to replace.

GCSEpod Parent Quick Start Guide

Beat Exam Stress

Young Minds Coping With Pressure at School

Try getrevising but be aware that anyone can contribute so watch out for spelling mistakes and other errors! The study planner section is good for planning your revision.

Subject Leaders recommended sites:
Art & Photography
Beliefs & Values




Child Development
Computing & Digital Media
Design Technology


Graphic Products and Resistant Materials:

Health and Social Care
French and Spanish
Physical Education

Science General




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