GCSE Options

Choosing GCSE options is an exciting time of year for our Year 9 students. We are here to support them throughout the entire process. 

On this page you will find all the information to help your child choose their subjects and start thinking about their future. 

Start the process by viewing our options booklet. This booklet provides a detailed explanation on the options process, the Key Stage 4 Core Curriculum and detailed information on each of the option subjects. 

Here is a timeline of several key events to support your child through the options process.

24th January 2024

Year 9 Options Assembly & Options Booklet

This assembly will show the students the options process and will be given advice on what to consider when making their choices. This is where they will be given the option booklet, which can be found below.

25th January 2024

Year 9 Parents Evening

Subject teachers will provide an update you on your child’s attainment and progress. They will also provide you with an overview of your child’s attitude towards learning and behaviour in lessons.

1st February 2024

Options Evening 4:30pm – 7:00pm

There will be two presentations, one at 4:30pm and then repeated at 5:30pm in the Post 16 Centre

These presentations will provide guidance on the options process and factors students should consider when making their choices. It is strongly recommended for you to attend one of these sessions. 

Subject Information 4:30pm – 7:00pm

Students,  parents, and carers will have an opportunity to talk to staff from the full range of subjects about the courses available, which will take place in the Humanities Building.


7th February 2024

Options Fair 

The Options Fair takes place during school hours. It provides an opportunity for Year 9 students to discuss option subjects with the Year 10 and 11 students who are actually doing the course! 

23rd February 2024

Deadline for option choices 

Students submit their choices to their Tutor by 9.00am on Friday 24 February 2023.

26th February - 11th March 2024

Pupil Interviews

This time has been allocated for additional support to be provided for students who are finding it difficult to make their choices and to speak to students where there are concerns regarding the subjects they have selected.

If a student feels unable to confirm their final option choices by the deadline, they may request an individual interview. This will take place with either the Tutor, the SENCO or a member of the College’s Senior Leadership Team. Students should make this request by ticking the appropriate box on the Options Application Form.

If you have any questions either about this process, or about the specifics of your child’s options, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant tutor or Head of School.

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