Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

You’ll find key information including staffing, curriculum plans and contact details on this page.

Curriculum Intent

At Clyst Vale Academy we believe that the reasons to study a foreign language are many and varied:

Languages provide a window into other cultures and an appreciation of the similarities and differences between these cultures, enabling students to become well-rounded global citizens.

The ability to understand and communicate in a foreign language brings a huge sense of achievement.

Learning a language enhances students’ literacy skills, embedding an awareness of how language works and an ability to manipulate both the foreign language and their own native tongue.

Communication skills both receptive (listening and reading) and active (speaking and writing) are developed and honed.

The foundations are laid for the future study of languages, equipping students for life in the work-place and at leisure.

Students gain transferable skills of logical thought, application of rules, deduction.

Speaking and understanding a language is a life-skill.

Students gain confidence.

Students enjoy learning through a multitude of different meaningful activities.

Our teaching aim is to enable students to express themselves in a foreign language, both orally and in writing and to understand this language in both its written and spoken forms, including authentic texts.  We aim to provide opportunities for students to communicate for real purposes with each other, with their teacher and with native speakers of their own age from the target language country.

Why learn a language?

Learning a language is fun, it’s a skill for life, it’s impressive and it’s really useful!

Plus…it’s good for brain growth, it prevents dementia and promotes listening skills.  Learning one language helps you learn others; it boosts your memory, you get better at multi-tasking, it increases attention span, it activates more parts of your brain and it improves your English!

75% of the world’s population have no English. Twenty nine countries have French as an official language (80 million speakers) and twenty one have Spanish as an official language (405 million speakers).

Both French and Spanish are taught at KS3.  Students have the option to choose one or both languages for GCSE and Advanced level.

The language you will learn will enable you to cope in everyday situations, for example on holiday or when a French/Spanish visitor is here.

We have a letter exchange with a school in Brittany, Spanish students attend our school alongside our students of Spanish for three weeks in Year 10, there is a trip to Paris for Year 7.

There are four members of the Modern Foreign Language department, two specialise in Spanish and two specialise in French, but all teach both languages.

Schemes of Learning

KS3 Level Descriptors

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