
Welcome to the CVCC Options pages for 2024-25, you’ll find a wealth of information and links to relevant documents in the following sections.

Timetable for the Options Process 2024/2025

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 9 students

The next few months are an important time for our Year 9 students. They are making the transition into Key Stage 4 and need to start to consider the pathways they may take in the future. The process of choosing courses of study for the final two years of school is a vitally important one. It is a time when the partnership between school, parent and student becomes even more significant. We offer several key events to support your child through the options process which are detailed below.

9th Dec 2024

Year 9 Parents Evening

Subject teachers will provide an update you on your child’s attainment and progress. They will also provide you with an overview of your child’s attitude towards learning and behaviour in lessons.

15th Jan 2025

Year 9 Options Assembly & Options Booklet

During the assembly students will be guided through the options process and be given advice on what factors to consider when making their choices. The options booklet will be sent to students, parents, and carers electronically. This booklet provides a detailed explanation on the options process, the Key Stage 4 Core Curriculum and detailed information on each of the option subjects. To supplement the information in this booklet curriculum areas have also produced a short presentation to give students a flavour of their subject. Links to these presentations can be found at the bottom of this webpage page.

30th Jan 2025

Options Evening 4.30pm – 7.00pm

4.30pm (repeated at 5.30pm) in the Post 16 Centre

This presentation will focus on providing an overview of the Key Stage 4 Curriculum and will include guidance on the options process and factors students should consider when making their choices. It is strongly recommended you attend one of these sessions.

Subject Information

4.30pm -7.00pm, in the Humanities Building

Students, parents, and carers will have an opportunity to talk to staff from the full range of subjects about the courses available.

6th Feb 2025

Options Fair

The Options Fair takes place during school hours. It provides an opportunity for Year 9 students to discuss option subjects with the Year 10 and 11 students who are actually doing the course!

28th Feb 2025

Deadline for option choices

Students submit their choices to their Tutor by 9.00am on Friday 28th February


March 2025

Pupil Interviews

This time has been allocated for additional support to be provided for students who are finding it difficult to make their choices and to speak to students where there are concerns regarding the subjects they have selected.

If a student feels unable to confirm their final option choices by the deadline, they may request an individual interview. This will take place with either the Tutor, the SENCO or a member of the College’s Senior Leadership Team. Students should make this request by ticking the appropriate box on the Options Application Form.

If you have any questions either about this process, or about the specifics of your child’s options, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant tutor or Head of School.

I look forward to meeting you on 30th January 2025 at the Options Evening.

Yours sincerely,

Lisa Martin (Curriculum)

Deputy Principal

Options Evening

A link to view the presentation given will be available after the event

Options Assembly

24th January 2024

Options Booklet

(Link when available)

Exam board information for Core GCSEs

Options Subjects

Click on the links within the table below to access subject videos created by your teachers  for these Optional Subjects.

Fine ArtPhotographyChild Development
Computer ScienceCreative Media ProductionDance
Design and TechnologyDramaFood Preparation and Nutrition
MusicPhysical EducationSeparate Sciences
Sport StudiesSpanishReligious Studies
EnterpriseHospitality & Catering 

Online Support for parents and students when choosing options- 

We are mindful that the students need to have up to date careers and labour market information to help with their option choices.  To enable you to make sure you have up to date careers information please find below the two reliable and relevant sites that we use within school.  


Students in year 9 are completing options lessons in C42 using an online portal called unifrog.  Each student will have a personal account and will spend 2 lessons online completing a personality and skills profile. The following video will explain how the students will be using unifrog this year and will help you to navigate this together should you wish. 

Creating a parent account-  

Code – Unifrog 

  • Code parents will need to use is: CLVCparents  
  • This code is valid for a 90 day period so there’s plenty of time for parents to get involved over the whole term.  This code effectively acts like a one-time pass code so any parent signing up will only need to use it once the first time they login.  
  • Parents need to click on the words ‘use it here’ in this box on the right hand side of the ‘sign in’ page.  

If you watch the following video this will help you navigate the site should you wish to research jobs and career areas your child is considering in the future. (The careers library and subjects library will be of particular interest).  

KS3 Student Launch (loom.com) 



Another useful site which we have used in year 7 and 8 is careers pilot.  Please find attached the link to the parent zone- you can just log into this site and find out relevant information.  

Careerpilot : Parent zone 

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