Parental Information and Resources


Apprenticeship advice for parents

The government have produced a very useful guide to apprenticeships and the process of application.

If you would like more detailed information please see the ‘Amazing Apprenticeships’ parents’ pack, downloadable from the following link:

Each month amazing apprenticeships produce a parents and carers pack with current information.

Podcast series for parents to help them to support their child with careers advice and guidance.

Financial Support

Information for students and families about financial support in Post 16 Education

Your choices at Post 16 may impact on what level of financial support you and your family is entitled to.  For more information, see the Department for Work and Pension (DWP) website:

This website allows you to input your details, and then calculates what support you are entitled to.

A document that sets out some of the financial support available to 16-19 year olds in further education.

T Levels –  This guide provides parents with information about the new exciting opportunities provided by T Levels which are available at local colleges.

Sites for post 16 students looking at higher education -

Informed Choices

This is a Russell Group guide to making informed choices about post-16 Education.  It is packed with useful information, and the 5 Point Plan for making A Level choices is a good tool for clarifying your thoughts.


Has all the information that you would need to consider if you were applying to university and undergraduate and postgraduate options.  This site also gives you advice on finance and student support.

Not going to University

This is a site devoted to those students who do not want to go onto university and gives advice about alternatives such as gaining work experience, completing a gap year, studying at college and apprenticeships.

Contacts- Mrs Sally Trump coordinates the Careers and Work Related Learning Programme at Clyst Vale and is the designated careers lead.  You can contact her by email-

Any specific work experience enquires should be emailed to

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