How to Apply

How to choose your Post 16 courses

The decisions you make at this stage of your life will have important consequences for your future study and career opportunities. Therefore it is essential that any decision you come to is as well informed as possible. You may already have an idea of what you want to do in your life, or you may have no clear plans as yet. Either way, it is important when choosing your courses that you keep your options as open as possible. You would be well advised to talk to your tutor, teachers, career advisor, read the course descriptions given in this prospectus, and ask about anything you do not understand. In arriving at your decision, you are trying to balance three important factors:
  1. Your Academic Interest
  2. Your Personal abilities, aptitudes and skills
  3. The breadth of career choice available to you
If you have any queries, please talk to Miss Haynes, Head of Sixth Form, who will be happy to discuss option choices with students/parents/guardians at any time.

Reasons to study at Clyst Vale

  • High standards, high expectations and academic rigour.
  • Care, support and guidance recognised as outstanding.
  • Excellent teaching staff who are supportive and know the students’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Friendly atmosphere and a real sense of community.
  • A wide range of courses and guidance provided to help students make the right choices.
  • Advantageous small teaching groups, averaging 10 students.
  • Intensive Higher Education guidance with proven track record of Oxbridge success.

  • Stretch and Challenge programme for high achieving students.
  • Extremely low dropout rate through careful monitoring of student progress, with individual support and attention.
  • The Bude Residential experience
  • Excellent purpose built facilities including study areas, café and ICT suite.
  • Free text books provided for all students.
  • Strong focus on Personal Development.
  • Wide ranging Tutorial and Enrichment Programme.

How to Apply

Follow these five steps to make a successful application:

  1. Read the Post-16 Prospectus carefully. 
  2. Once you receive your Year 11 annual report you will have a good indication of the options open to you. At this point you should make an application on the electronic form: Post 16 Options Form 2023.
  3. Your application will be read by Miss Haynes (Head of Sixth Form).
  4. Every applicant will have an offer meeting with Miss Haynes.
  5. Successful applicants will receive written confirmation of course offers.

If you have any queries: please contact the college – we will be pleased to help


Late applications will be considered. If you wish to make an application after the deadline, please email Sue Voysey ( or Claire Haynes (

Telephone: 01392 462697

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