Enrichment & Support

Compulsory Enrichment

All Year 12 students will participate in a range of enrichment sessions over the year on a Wednesday afternoon in week A. Each student will have a block of:

  • Cooking
  • Active Leisure (to include things like golf, archery and self-defence)
  • Wellbeing

The Bude Experience

During the first half-term all Year 12 and 13 students are encouraged to participate in a week’s residential course at Adventure International Outdoor Education Centre in Bude. The students participate in outdoor activities ranging from abseiling to canoeing, team building exercises and problem solving tasks. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop teamwork, leadership qualities and communication skills, as well as learning to work with others co-operatively in a range of situations. Historically this week has always been a huge success and students are invariably keen to repeat the experience.

Careers & UCAS Guidance

Students are given careers guidance by an independent careers advisor. Those applying to University are guided through the application process, taken to the Higher Education Convention and a University Campus Visit. Students are given individual advice and support on Personal Statement production and student finance. For those not applying to university we provide support regarding apprenticeships and direct entry into professions. Students are taken to the Apprenticeship Roadshow and current apprentices and employers come in to talk to students about their experiences.

Programme of Talks

There is a full programme of outside speakers on a wide range of themes. Speakers from the worlds of politics, charity organisations, health, higher education and a range of professions will be invited to address Post-16 students.

Additional Courses/Offered Opportunities

All Year 12 students are expected to participate in two activities outside of their academic studies, so as to help develop interpersonal skills. These activities can be based in college or outside. Opportunities within college include:

Community Sports Leadership Award (CSLA)

The award gives people aged 16 and over the skills needed to lead groups in safe sporting and recreational activities. It encourages participants to take responsibility for others, develops organisational and communication skills and instils confidence in people for whom leading groups in sporting activities is a new place. The majority of the course is practical in nature with an emphasis on learning through doing, rather than through written work. It is a course which teaches you to be a leader through the medium of sport.

Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The Duke of Edinburgh Award has been running at Clyst Vale for over 10 years. It consists of five sections, four of which the students must organise themselves. When completing each section of their DofE, students should develop a programme which is specific and relevant to them. Costs will be involved with the expedition and for enrolling with the DofE award.

The DofE gives students the chance to do something completely new and improve on things they’re already doing. It takes them out of their comfort zone and into a place where they will push themselves and have amazing new experiences. It builds confidence, resilience, skills for work and friendship groups. Looking forward, the DofE can help students to carve out a better future. Colleges, universities and employers regard a DofE Award highly so it will help to open the right doors.

Sixth Form Committee

The Sixth Form Committee consists of a group of students who represent both Year 12 and 13 – all students in Post-16 have the opportunity to put themselves forward to be on this. The Committee meets every week and organises events, fundraising activities and deals with any issues raised by fellow students.


Post-16 students will support a younger student in several ways eg in class support, help with homework, to be a friend, to listen to them or help the student socialise.

Subject Support

Students can, with staff permission, help in lessons as a type of “Student Learning Support Assistant”. This is most common in practical subjects, but can be in most subjects.

Work Experience

All students are encouraged to participate in blocks of work experience or job shadowing with the emphasis on individual choice related to career aspirations.

Sport & Recreation

All students are provided with the opportunity of using the College sports facilities. This often leads to students versus staff games and competitive matches against other colleges.

Special Events

There are numerous events throughout the year. These include a Year 12 team building day and barbeque and a Year 13 leaving celebration and Prom attended by all the students, tutors and subject staff.

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