Post 16 Further Information

Bursary Funding

Bursary Fund

We are allocated a cash-limited fund from central government which will be used wherever possible to provide support to those most in need in order to enable a student to continue and complete their course.

Two types of award are available:

Guaranteed Award for Vulnerable Learners: Young people in Care, Care Leavers, Young People in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit, and Disabled Young People in receipt of Employment Support Allowance who are also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance will be eligible to receive a bursary of £1200 a year.

Discretionary Awards: Targeted at those who are facing the greatest financial hardship. (Discretionary Awards will only be used to help learners meet costs related to participation in their individual course of study, for example transport, books, equipment, materials, essential trips, meals whilst attending their course etc.)

UCAS & Student Finance

Parents and carers with little or no prior knowledge of higher education can find it hard to understand how best to support their son or daughter throughout the UCAS process.  By clicking the links below you will be able to access the information you need, when you need it. 

UCAS Undergraduate: advice for parents and guardians

Courses Available

Level 3 Courses

We offer A-Levels, BTEC Level 3 courses and the Level 3 Extended Project qualification. All students must study at least 3 subjects at level 3, these can be all A-Levels, all BTECs or a combination of both.

A Levels

We offer a range of A2 Levels. These are a step-up from GCSEs and focus on academic subjects. They are highly valued by universities and employers, due to their rigorous nature. A2 levels are linear qualifications, which means that exams are taken at the end of Year 13. Some subjects offer AS levels for top performing students which are separate qualifications and do not count towards the A2 Levels, but are useful if you are thinking of studying four subjects. In terms of UCAS points they are worth 40% of an A2 Level.

BTEC Level 3

These are vocational qualifications in which students develop deep, specialist, practical skills and understanding. The work is assessed through coursework, case studies and presentations. They have an A Level equivalence and allow progression to university. UCAS points are awarded for the BTEC course (a Distinction is equivalent to an A, a Merit to a C and a Pass to an E at A Level). They can be taken as well as, or in place of, A Levels.

Entry Requirements

You will be expected to have at least the equivalent of 5 ‘9-4 grades’ at GCSE. A grade 6 in the subject you intend to study at A Level is advisable.

Please refer to the subject specific guidance.

GCSE Opportunities for Full Time Post-16 Students

Students who do not have a minimum of a grade 4 in English Language and/or Mathematics GCSE must now re take these qualifications.

You should be aware that some lessons are taught after the normal end to the College day from 3.20pm until 4.20pm

Reporting, Assessment and Target Setting

There is a well-defined timetable for reporting, monitoring and setting individual student targets.

During the first part of the autumn term, students take part in one to one discussions with subject teachers and personal tutors to discuss individual targets and to help monitor the induction phase.

As part of our commitment to strengthening College and home links we hold a Year 12 ‘Welcome to Post 16’ evening in September to provide parents/carers with the opportunity to meet Miss Haynes and the Tutors. The personal tutor is the first point of contact with the College so a good working relationship is important. 

  • Students receive three progress reports each year
  • End of year examinations will take place in June for Year 12 & Year 13
  • Parents’ evenings are held in December for Year 13 and March for Year 12

In addition, in Year 12 & 13 there is a continuous monitoring system in operation. Subject teachers regularly report on students’ effort, attainment and attendance, which are recorded by personal tutors.

The emerging profile of students’ attainment and motivation is carefully scrutinised and any change in standards noted and acted upon immediately. In the first instance tutors investigate any problems. Should there be no immediate improvement Miss Haynes will offer further guidance.

Parents and guardians are welcome to contact the College at any time with queries related to student welfare and progress

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